Frequently Asked Questions
Why become a member of AGDM?
To freely fellowship and worship God with your peers. To have a sense of belonging to a ministry that can support and enhance your spiritual growth through words of encouragements, utilization of spiritual gifts, seminars/workshops, community involvement and networking within the Kingdom of God.
Can I join AGDM if there is no youth or young adult ministry at my church?
YES. AGDM membership is not limited to youth and young adults who are part of active ministries at their churches. In fact, AGDM is designed to help revive those inactive ministries by being a support, connection and resource to the church.
Where are AGDM events held?
The Great thing about AGDM is that our events are held at our members and partners churches, mission houses or other locations associated with the members’ church. We bring the event to you! In doing this, it maximizes the support for your church and your churches’ ministry while creating great bonds and connections with the visiting churches and surrounding community.
What kinds of events does AGDM host?
Quarterly AGDM hosts our ‘Reach Higher’ celebration service where we bring in various types of artists such as soloists, choirs, rappers, spoken word, liturgical dancers and mime groups (to name a few) from all areas and across all denominations! We also have a WE C.A.R.E ministry (outreach ministry), Carpenters Like Christ workshops which is a ‘do it yourself’ event teaching and empowering those in attendance to be able to do things from maintaining their homes to interior decorating to beauty and grooming techniques.
How does AGDM evangelize?
The Word of God says we are overcome by the words of our testimony! We believe the best way to evangelize to our generation is to keep it real, tell our story and remind others that God was, is and will be the constant! “Inside the brothers wallet” and “behind the sisters shades” ministries are designed to provide a forum for us to share our testimony in a safe gender specific fellowship of Christians.
How does AGDM help/support the community?
This is done through our We C.A.R.E ministry. Through this, we do charity work in communities and participate in drives and fundraisers that support other organizations, ministries and families. Some of these include Coupons to military families, Diaper drives, care packages, etc.
How does AGDM support members (or young adults) that own businesses?
We advertise their businesses on our website, Facebook page and Twitter accounts as well as support their events. We try to use these businesses when planning events for AGDM When possible and we highlight these businesses during AGDM Events and on AGDM marketing materials.
What kind of support does AGDM need?
AGDM can be supported through prayer, monetary donations and volunteering of spiritual gifts, time, location space for events, etc. To support in any one of these ways, please contact us via our contact page! Also we encourage you to sow a seed which goes toward the events of AGDM or scholarship opportunities through our ministry.
Are there any dues or fees for membership
There are currently no dues or fees for membership but we accept monetary donations which help with the overhead for the ministry (paper supplies, love offerings, location fees, etc)
Who should I contact for more information
General Questions
To Join the Society
Phone: 302-561-1764
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